Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just Because

This morning I told Eugene that I was going to make him a surprise today.  A red velvet cake, his favorite.  I could tell he didn't really want a red velvet cake but he never said anything otherwise.  when I asked him id red velvet was ok he responded with "How about chocolate?"  So chocolate is what he got...

Homemade chocolate cake with homemade chocolate buttercream, YUM!

Did I go a little overboard with the whole groom's cake theme for a cake that's just going to be eaten at home?  Nah!

Landon HAD to take a picture of the cake too, to be honest I kinda like how it's at an angle : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh YUM! Call me next time you two get married & the Hinsons will gladly help you polish off the groom's cake!!! ;>
God's blessings,
Sarah :D