Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday Pop!

So tomorrow is my dad's 50th birthday and so we headed down to Trussville today to help him celebrate.  We had a WONDERFUL meal and afterwards we enjoyed this...

I saw this really cool cake online that actually had houndstooth on it, but when I attempted it, it was a disaster so i opted for the black checked squares instead.  I know it doesn't have the same effect but it's the best I could do.

The birthday boy!

The hungry vultures waiting to cut the cake.

Happy Birthday Dad, we love you and enjoyed our day with you today!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Kala, As always your cake is FABULOUS!!! I love how Landon looks like he's saying a quick prayer... because he's about to dive in! ;>
God's blessings on many more cake adventures,
Sarah :D