Monday, June 28, 2010

Landon's 4th Birthday

A few weeks ago we had a small family get together for Landon's 4th birthday party.  Since his birthday is in June it's the perfect time to throw a pool party.  And what's a pool party without a dinosuar cake!  It makes perfect sense right?  : )

I just realized that I didn't take a single picture of the cake to where you can actually see what it looks like, Oh well!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Tractor Cake

This cute little tractor cake was for 2 year old Eli.  According to mom he had a John Deere Tractor party but since his daddy has a red tractor we just had to his tractor cake in red as well.  Like father, like son :)

Cullman Bearcats Cakes

It's been so busy around our house lately that I've forgotten to post the last few cakes I've done. 

So I was asked by my cousin Sarah to make a cake for her son's 14th birthday (which completely makes me feel ancient, but that's beside the point).  Since he was having a "family" party AND his first "boy/girl" party I had to make to cakes, cause I mean let's face it we can't serve a half eaten cake from the night before at you first boy/girl party.  Cullman Bearcats were the theme for this party....